Renowned film stars paid tribute to the Island at the premiere of Island-made movie Stormbreaker, held in the baking heat of Leicester Square in London on Monday night. Ewan McGregor, Bill Nighy, Alicia Silverstone, Sophie Okenodo and the star of the film Alex Pettyfer were amongst those walking the red carpet to promote what is expected to be the biggest British movie of the summer. British Actor Bill Nighy (Love Actually, Pirates of the Caribbean) who plays MI6 agent, Alan Blunt in the film said ‘I’ve been to the Island lots of times on many different films and Thank God for the Isle of Man. Virtually all British films under a certain budget would not get made if it was not for the Isle of Man and Isle of Man Film. I like [the Island] very much’. Bill also praised the Island in an interview with The Guardian at the weekend in which he spoke about his time on the Island whilst filming Stormbreaker ‘I’m always very happy to be [on the Island]. It’s a sort of cross between Cornwall and Ireland’ American Actress Alicia Silverstone (Clueless, Batman & Robin) who plays nanny Jack Starbright remarked ‘We had so much fun, it was ridiculous, it wasn’t really a job. Missi Pyle and I would ride our bikes everywhere and we went to a lovely vegetarian restaurant and really good health store. It was very nice’ The film is based on the Alex Rider series written by Anthony Horowitz, who also wrote the screenplay for the film. He said ‘The Isle of Man is a great film location, I mean it’s everything, England, France Germany…it’s a chameleon of an Island. The great chase scene that opens the film, I’m not sure we could have shot that anywhere else’ Director Geoff Sax praised Isle of Man Film for their help with the film, in particular Hilary Dugdale and Steve Christian who he described as ‘very film savvy and delightful to work with’ He continued ‘If it was not for Isle of Man Film, the British movie industry would not be able to produce the kind of films it does’ CLICK HERE TO SEE THE FOOTAGE OF THE PREMIERE (for Windows) Click here for Macs.