The Island has enjoyed an exciting month with two notable TV projects shooting on location.
At the start of the month, Outdoor Productions visited the Island and shot an episode for a new walking series presented by Julia Bradbury which is expected to screen on ITV1 in February 2017. The 22-minute programme will focus on the Laxey area and the visiting crew were able to take advantage of some unseasonably fair weather as the walking route incorporated sights such as the mines, Dhoon Glen, and the iconic Laxey Wheel.
The great weather continued to allow well-known BBC show Top Gear to showcase the Island’s stunning coastline and mountain region for last weekend’s 4-day shoot. Top Gear has shot on the Island before, but this was the first time with its new presenter Matt LeBlanc, for their upcoming 2017 series which will screen in the Spring. Profiling the Russian eight-wheeled Avtoros Shaman vehicle, the large prodcution team filmed in various locations around the Island and seemed to have a great time doing so.