Chico and Rita, an animated feature film co-funded by Isle of Man Film and CinemaNX, has received a nomination in the European Film Academy’s Animated Feature Film 2011 category. The globally prestigious awards ceremony will be held in Berlin on 3rd December 2011.
The 2011 committee consists of EFA Board Members Per Holst (producer, Denmark) and Antonio Saura (producer, Spain) as well as representatives of CARTOON, the European Association of Animation Film, Patrick Caradec (France), Heikki Jokinen (Finland), and Thilo Rothkirch (Germany).
Also nominated were Le Chat Du Rabbin (The Rabbi’s Cat) from France directed by Antoine Delesvaux & Joann Sfar, and Une Vie De Chat (A Cat in Paris), from France/Belgium directed by Jean-Loup Felicioli & Alain Gagnol.Set in Havana in 1948, Chico & Rita is the story of Chico, a young Cuban pianist who dreams of making a place for himself in the jazz world. Rita is a singer with an extraordinary voice which captivates everyone. Music brings them together and they embark on a passionate and tormented love affair. With a soundtrack of latin jazz as background to their love story, we’re immersed in the world of Cuban passion, sensuality and music.
Ten young Manx artists received full training and worked on the film for sixteen months as colourists, in collaboration with other studios based in Hungary, Spain and the Philippines.
Allan Bell, Minister for the Department of Economic Development said, “We are so very proud of this nomination and are totally delighted that Chico & Rita has been recognised as a work of art by its peers and colleagues. It really is the most exquisitely crafted piece of animation and all of the young local artists who worked on the film should be very proud of their contribution to the film.” You can watch the ceremony live at