Freefonix, the exciting new 3D CGI animated children’s cartoon series produced on the Isle of Man by Balley Beg Studios is due to be screened on CBBC and BBC One from Friday 4th January.

Part financed by Isle of Man Film, Freefonix features some very special guest stars who voice characters, sing and play instruments in the show. R’n’B superstar Jamelia plays the singing part of Sugar Che, mentor and funky fairy godmother to Freefonix. Justin Hawkins from The Darkness sings and lends his unique guitar playing skills to Kurtz, lead singer of Mantyz. Throughout the series other guest stars appearing include pop star Chico, cricketer Alistair Cook, actor Joseph Fiennes and musician Hayley Ecker – plus a whole host of other names will be announced as the series progresses.

It was created by Magnus Fiennes, brother of Joseph and Ralph – a renowned music producer (who co-wrote and produced the first All-Saints album) and has worked with many international artists including Lenny Kravitz, Morcheeba, Spice Girls, Sugababes and Tom Jones.

Freefonix have discovered a sophisticated way of fighting their battles against rival band Mantyz, by using the power of the Thirteenth Note, an awesome force that can bend space and minds when the perfect sound is created. When the two rival bands meet, the result is an explosive Soundclash, where the opposing forces do battle as all the energies of the Thirteenth Note are released. The action continues each week as the Freefonix protect the guardians of the Thirteenth Note and begin to understand its magical properties.

Freefonix will run weekly for 40 half-hour episodes starting on 4th January on CBBC and BBC One at 1620. Freefonix is the largest commission by the BBC for an animation aimed at 7 to 11 year olds. The show is a combination of sophisticated storytelling, incredible music and amazing characters and graphics.




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