- Castle Rushen
- Castle Rushen
- Castle Rushen
- Castle Rushen
- Castletown Harbour
- Malew St Castletown
- Malew St Castletown
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- Castletown Harbour
- Old Grammar School, Castletown
- Nautical Museum, Castletown
- Castletown Harbour
- Old House of Keys, Castletown
- Castletown
Castletown is the original Capital of Mann, and features many interesting landmarks including a Medieval Castle. Castle Rushen towers over the Market Square to the south-east and the harbour to the north-east.
The Old House Of Keys was the location of Tynwald, the Manx parliament, until it moved in 1874 to Douglas. The house was renovated in 2000 and is run as a museum by Manx National Heritage. Tynwald used to meet in Castletown except on Tynwald Day, when it traditionally met (and still meets) on Tynwald Hill in St John's.
The Old Grammar School was originally built as a chapel about 1190 - 1230 and is located in the harbour to the rear of the town square at the side of a large car park. The building stopped being a school in the 1930s and is now a museum exhibit open seasonally in connection with the other Story Of Mann sites in the town.
The Nautical Museum (also known as The Peggy Story in recent times) opened in 1951; the main focus of the museum is an 18th-century yacht, the Peggy (Peggy of Castletown), housed in the boat cellar, where she has been since the 19th century. She had been bricked up and forgotten before being rediscovered by workmen.
The Museum Of Witchcraft was in existence in the town for a short period at the Witches Mill which has since been redeveloped as apartments. It was operated by the self-proclaimed witch Gerald Gardner who ran it under the title Folklore Center of Superstition and Witchcraft, becoming a familiar figure in the town.
The Railway Station was constructed in 1902 from locally sourced limestone from Scarlett Point and has been extensively refurbished in recent times, notably being overhauled in 1994 to original form. It is open seasonally and many people's first encounter with the town is their arrival at the station, which is a short walk from the centre.
The Scarlett Point Visitor Centre is at the south-western tip of Castletown Bay. The Raad ny Foillan long distance coastal footpath opened in 1986 runs along the coast in the town.