FREEFONIX is a half-hour, animated TV series featuring three mismatched heroes from different sides of the tracks: BB - 15 year old former lead singer of the machine pop perfect girl group "BCD," now turned musical Joan of Arc; FREEZBONE - 16 year old, laid back, Lebowskian, zen-spouting, guitarist; and MOSTART - an amplified, technologized beat maniac trapped in the body of a 13-year-old mama's boy. Thrown together by the mysterious SUGAR CHE, they form a band called FREEFONIX in order to safeguard the most powerful force in the universe - the 13th Note - as well as save their world from a dark future that will be brought on through the teaming up of an evil force which calls itself VOX with the most powerful person in all of Los Bosmos, MYA DE ZYA.
- producers:
- Anthony Bouchier, P Jayakumar, Chris Rice, Aton Soumache, Alexis Vonarb, Richelle Wilder
- director(s):
- Pierre-Alain Chartier, Jerome France
- cast:
- Freezbone, Mostart, Sugar Che, BB
- photography:
- Jan / Dec 2006
More information on IMDB (external link)